
Ultimate Checklist for Finding Acupressure Points


Have you ever been at the whims of chronic pain that appears undeterred by traditional medication? Or perhaps you simply want a more natural, holistic approach to managing stress and anxiety? That’s where the centuries-old practice of acupressure steps in, providing relief without side effects. As we at ActiveMed Integrative Health Center often tell our patients, acupressure isn’t just about applying pressure anywhere; it’s about knowing where to apply it. This is where acupressure charts play a central role.

Brief Overview of Acupressure

Acupressure, rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), believes in the concept of Qi, a vital force flowing through your body in pathways called meridians. When balanced, Qi contributes to your wellbeing, but when disrupted, health issues arise. Acupressure aids by stimulating precise points along these meridians, restoring the balance of Qi.

Importance of Acupressure Charts

Looking at the human body, there are hundreds of acupressure points, each with a unique function and correlate to specific organs and health issues. An acupressure chart is a detailed map of these points and meridians, serving as a guide to correctly locate and stimulate them. Think of these charts as a holistic roadmap, a vital tool, in helping you navigate your way to better health.

Before we delve deeper into understanding acupressure points and how to use an acupressure chart, here’s a quick rundown for the health-conscious individual in Encinitas, Poway, or San Diego, California:

  • What is Acupressure? A holistic practice that involves the application of pressure to certain points on the body to stimulate self-healing.
  • What is a Meridian? Energy channels or pathways through which Qi, the life force, flows.
  • How many points are there in Acupressure? The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified 361 points, with an extra 48 additionally recognized due to common usage.
  • Why use an Acupressure chart? It helps accurately locate points, understand their corresponding health benefits, and apply acupressure correctly.

Infographic detailing 14 main meridian channels, the number of points on each channel, and their corresponding organs - acupressure charts infographic sum_of_parts

Stay tuned as we explore a fascinating world where healing is literally at your fingertips. Let’s together unfold the art of pinpointing wellness with acupressure charts.

Understanding Acupressure Points and Meridians

Explanation of the 14 Meridian Points

Acupressure is anchored on the traditional Chinese medical theory that our bodies have a life energy known as Qi flowing through invisible meridian channels. These meridians serve as the body’s energetic highway system, allowing Qi to circulate and nourish our organs and body systems.

In traditional Chinese medicine, there are 14 main meridian channels. Each of these channels corresponds to a specific organ or body system and has a specific number of acupuncture points.

These meridians are:

  1. Lung (1)
  2. Large intestine (20)
  3. Stomach (45)
  4. Spleen (21)
  5. Heart (9)
  6. Small intestine (19)
  7. Bladder (67)
  8. Kidney (27)
  9. Pericardium (9)
  10. Triple energizer (23)
  11. Gallbladder (44)
  12. Liver (14)
  13. Governing Vessel (28)
  14. Conception Vessel (24)

Each number indicates the total points in that specific meridian channel.

Location of the 12 Meridian Points

Each meridian point is located at a precise point on the body. For instance, the Lung meridian starts at the chest and runs down the inner arm to the thumb. In contrast, the Stomach meridian begins below the eye, travels down the front of the body, and ends at the second toe.

Understanding the specific location of these points is crucial to effective acupressure therapy. However, locating these points can be complex due to the human body’s diversity in size, age, and health condition. Therefore, to easily locate these points, you’ll need to rely on anatomical landmarks and proportional measurements described in acupressure charts.

The Significance of the 361 Acupuncture Points

The World Health Organization (WHO) has standardized 361 acupuncture points on the 14 meridians. These points are significant as they are considered the main pathways through which Qi flows, supporting the body’s vital functions.

When an acupressure point is stimulated, it can treat multiple disorders, making these points crucial in restoring balance to the body. For example, points on the stomach meridian can aid digestion and alleviate nausea, while the bladder meridian points target back pain and urinary problems.

By understanding the significance of these points, you can leverage acupressure to stimulate your body’s natural healing abilities, and restore balance and harmony to your body.

At ActiveMed Integrative Health Center, we offer comprehensive acupuncture treatments that utilize these points to address your unique health needs.

In the next section, we’ll delve deeper into how to use an acupressure chart to interpret and locate these points accurately.

How to Use an Acupressure Chart

The first step towards integrating acupressure into your holistic health routine is understanding how to read and interpret an acupressure chart. These charts, often available as laminated wall posters or desk charts, provide an accurate representation of the 12 meridian pathways and the 361 acupuncture points agreed upon by the World Health Organization (WHO) Scientific Group.

Reading and Interpreting the Chart

An acupressure chart is a visual guide that maps out the locations of acupressure points on the human body. These are often marked along lines known as meridians, which represent the flow of energy (Qi) within the body.

On the chart, you will see points labeled with abbreviations that represent various parts of the body. For example, “ST36” refers to the 36th point on the stomach meridian, while “LV3” is the third point on the liver meridian.

In addition to the location, each point is associated with specific health benefits. For instance, the ST36 point is known for addressing digestive disorders, while the LV3 point is often used to relieve headaches.

Understanding how to read and interpret the chart is crucial in identifying the points that can help address your specific health concerns.

Detailed acupressure chart with meridians and points - acupressure charts infographic infographic-line-5-steps

Customizing and Using the Chart for Specific Needs

One of the greatest benefits of using an acupressure chart is its adaptability to your specific needs. Depending on your health concerns, you can focus on the points that are relevant to you. For instance, if you’re dealing with hormonal disorders, you might focus on the SP6 point, which is known for its effectiveness in treating such conditions.

Though, that the chart is merely a guide. It’s important to consult with a qualified practitioner, especially if you’re new to acupressure. At ActiveMed Integrative Health Center, we are always ready to guide you in maximizing the benefits of acupressure for your unique health needs.

As you become more familiar with the chart, you can use it as a reference tool, building your knowledge from basic to advanced pressure point techniques and healing channels.

In the next section, we’ll take a closer look at some of the most common acupressure points and their uses. Whether you’re dealing with digestive disorders, headaches, or general stress, there’s an acupressure point that can help. We’ll also discuss how to stimulate these points effectively and safely, leveraging the power of acupressure to enhance your overall well-being.

Common Acupressure Points and Their Uses

Acupressure charts reveal a world of healing points across our bodies. These points, when stimulated, can address a range of health issues. Let’s delve into some of the most commonly used acupressure points and their associated benefits.

ST36 for Digestive Disorders

ST36, located on the front of the leg and below the knee, is a powerhouse in treating digestive disorders, immune deficiency, and fatigue. It also helps in emotional and physical grounding. Applying pressure to this point can aid in boosting your digestive health and overall energy levels.

SP6 for Hormonal Disorders

SP6, found on the inner side of the leg above the ankle, is a point that plays a vital role in treating hormonal disorders such as irregular menstruation. This point can also help with digestion and immune disorders.

LV3 for Headaches

If you’re dealing with headaches, LV3 might be your go-to point. Situated on the top of the foot between the first and second toes, LV3 also helps balance emotional energy, regulate menstruation, and reduce high blood pressure.

GV20 for Vertigo

Located on the top of the head, GV20 is effective in treating vertigo, ear and nasal disorders, and various mental disorders. If you’re feeling a bit lightheaded or dealing with ear issues, give GV20 a try.

CV12 for Digestive Disorders

CV12, found midway between the breastbone and the navel, can help harmonize the intestines and treat digestive disorders. If you’re dealing with stomach issues, CV12 might provide the relief you need.

CV6 for Exhaustion

Exhausted? CV6 might be the answer. Located approximately 1.5 inches below the navel, this point addresses exhaustion, a weak Spleen Qi, and energizes the low abdomen and organs.

LI4 for Pain

LI4, located on the backside of the hand between the thumb and first finger, is a powerhouse for pain relief, especially in the face. It also activates the immune system, making it a vital point to stimulate during cold and flu season.

KI3 for Various Conditions

Lastly, KI3, found behind the inner ankle, is a versatile point that can treat asthma, insomnia, sore throat, and lower back pain. If you’re dealing with any of these issues, KI3 might be worth exploring.

Acupressure is a holistic approach to health and wellness. While these points can provide relief, they should be used in conjunction with other treatments as recommended by a healthcare professional. For more on how we incorporate acupressure and other holistic treatments into our practice, visit ActiveMed Integrative Health Center.

Forbidden Acupuncture Points and Their Significance

As you delve deeper into acupressure charts, it’s important to note that not all points are recommended for manipulation. Certain points, known as ‘forbidden points,’ are typically avoided during treatments, particularly in certain circumstances.

Explanation of Forbidden Points

Forbidden points are specific acupuncture points that are generally avoided during treatment, especially during pregnancy. These points include SP 6, LI 4, GB 21, BL 60, BL 67, BL 32, and BL 33. The reason they are referred to as ‘forbidden’ is due to their potential to induce labor if stimulated.

For instance, SP 6 (Spleen 6) is located on the inner leg and is believed to impact the lower abdomen, potentially stimulating uterine contractions. Similarly, LI 4 (Large Intestine 4) situated on the hand, is renowned for its pain-relieving properties, but it’s also associated with inducing labor when acupressure is applied intensely.

Why Certain Points are Considered Forbidden

The primary reason these points are considered forbidden is their potential to cause harm when incorrectly used. For example, stimulating certain points during pregnancy can lead to preterm labor. Consequently, these points should only be used under the guidance of a trained and licensed acupuncturist or acupressure practitioner.

While these points are often referred to as ‘forbidden,’ they can be incredibly beneficial when used appropriately and can offer significant relief for numerous conditions.

At ActiveMed Integrative Health Center, we strongly emphasize the importance of professional guidance when it comes to acupressure therapy. This ensures safety, efficacy, and a personalized approach to your well-being. As always, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation with one of our experts.

Acupressure Points for Specific Conditions

Taking the guidance of acupressure charts, let’s now dive into specific conditions and the related acupressure points.

Acupressure Points for Liver Detox

One of the key organs in our body, the liver, can greatly benefit from acupressure. This organ processes everything we ingest, from food and drink to medication and environmental toxins. It’s no wonder it might need a little help now and then.

A great acupressure point for liver detox is the Shu Mansion. Located just beneath your collarbone, applying pressure here can regulate the functions of the kidneys. The kidneys play a significant role in flushing toxins out, so this point is crucial. This point also helps address breathing problems like asthma, chest tightness, and nasal congestion.

Alongside the Shu Mansion, the Liver Channel: LV3 is a beneficial point. It’s located on the top of the foot between the first and second toes. Stimulating this point can balance emotional energy, reduce high blood pressure, and even treat headaches.

Acupressure Points Along the Spine for Yin Organs

Our spine is home to several powerful acupuncture points that connect to our yin organs. Yin organs are the solid organs in our body such as the heart, liver, lung, kidney, and pericardium (sack around the heart). Stimulating these points can play a major role in strengthening these organs.

For instance, the BL13 point treats lung-related issues, while BL15 caters to heart-related issues. BL18 is the main point for physical liver conditions, and BL23 treats the entire kidney system.

Using acupressure charts, these points can be easily located and stimulated for better organ health and overall well-being.

At ActiveMed Integrative Health Center, we can guide you through these points and many more. Our experts can help you understand how to use these points effectively to improve your health. Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Your journey to holistic health is just a pressure point away!


Recap of the Importance of Acupressure Charts

Acupressure charts serve as an essential guide in the realm of holistic healthcare. They provide a clear map of the body’s 14 meridian points and the 361 acupuncture points, making it easier to understand the complex network that constitutes our body’s energy pathways. Each of these points has a unique therapeutic value, and when correctly stimulated, they can help address a multitude of health conditions.

Encouragement to Contact a Clinic or Practitioner for Specific Conditions or Questions

While acupressure charts are a great resource to have at hand, it’s important to remember that applying acupressure is a precise art and science. It requires thorough understanding and correct application techniques to experience the full benefits.

If you’re dealing with specific health conditions and want to incorporate acupressure into your treatment regimen, we strongly recommend consulting with a trained practitioner. At ActiveMed Integrative Health Center, our experienced team is well-versed in the intricacies of acupressure. We are eager to help you navigate your wellness journey and address your unique health concerns.

Acupressure is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Your health journey is unique, and the treatment should be tailored to meet your specific needs. That’s why we work closely with our patients to develop personalized treatment plans.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation, don’t hesitate to contact us. Your journey to better health could be just a pressure point away!


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