Axon Therapy

Axon Therapy for Chronic Pain

This revolutionary, non-invasive treatment, for post-traumatic peripheral chronic nerve pain and Diabetic Neuropathy, is now available at ActiveMed Integrative Health Center in Encinitas.

The therapy is comprised of non-invasive gentle magnetic pulses, which penetrate skin and muscle to modulate nerves in the area of pain, turning on the bodies natural pain relieving pathways to provide extended relief.

How Does Axon Therapy Work?

Low frequency magnetic stimulations have been shown to alleviate symptoms associated with nerve injury related pain. Without touching the skin, the device uses a new non-invasive technology to produce small electrical stimulations in the specific region of your nerve injury

What Conditions Does Axon Therapy Treat?

Peripheral traumatic nerve injury with a history of associated pain for more than 3 months and Diabetic Neuropathy.

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Early clinical evidence from a randomized trial indicates that Axon therapy can reduce chronic nerve pain by more than 44.9% in patients that are refractory to medications. Successive monthly maintenance treatments have shown to further decrease pain relief back to initial levels. As a non-invasive therapy, Axon may lack some of the side-effects associated with current treatment options for chronic nerve pain.

How many treatments does it take for axon therapy to provide me with relief?

It depends on the nature of your chronic pain. For some it just takes one treatment but for others it takes several more. It also depends how long you have had the problem. Although, many people who have had extreme pain diseases for many years have received relief within just a few treatments.

Does Axon Therapy have side effects?

Potential side effects of the magnetic treatment are mild soreness or numbness, resulting from muscle stimulation. Occasionally, skin irritation, like redness and/or pain can occur. This will be assessed by a qualified physician and treated with ointment

Does Axon Therapy Hurt?

No. Some patients describe the small electrical stimulations feeling like the gentle snapping of a rubber band.

How Long Does Axon Therapy Take?

14 minutes per site.

How Often Do I have Axon Therapy Treatments?

treatment schedule

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What Patients are Eligible for axon Therapy?

  • A clear diagnosis of traumatic nerve injury.
  • History of nerve pain of more than 3 months.
  • Average daily nerve pain >3 (0-10 scale).
  • Able to attend required visits for treatment protocol (3x week 1, 1x/week weeks 2-4)
  • Patients with Diabetic Neuropathy

What Criteria Excludes A Patient For Axon Therapy?

  • Pregnancy
  • Pacemaker or similar modulatory device implant.
  • Ferromagnetic material (e.g. bullet fragment, shrapnel, device implant) in the brain or body close to the site of injury.
  • History of dementia, major psychiatric diseases, or life threatening diseases.
  • History of seizure.
  • Pending litigation.
  • History of dementia, major psychiatric diseases, or life threatening diseases.
  • Lack of ability to understand the treatment protocol and to adequately communicate in English. 

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Can I talk to someone for more information or schedule an appointment?

Please call 858-673-4400 option 2 to talk to our Axon Therapy clinical specialist.

What other health care services do you provide at activemed for your patients?

We use a combination of acupuncture, herbal medicine, electrical stimulation, diet therapy, structural balancing, exercise therapy, lifestyle counseling, tui na, reflexology, nutraceutical supplementation and other modalities that work to provide safe yet extremely effective health care results. Our main focus is to provide our patients with the right type of health care to suit their individual needs, thereby providing them with the best possible care.

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Axon Therapy: A Breakthrough for Chronic Painful Diabetic Neuropathy

Axon Therapy by Neuralace Medical, Inc. has received FDA clearance for treating Chronic Painful Diabetic Neuropathy (PDN), offering hope to millions. Here’s why it’s groundbreaking:

Non-Invasive Treatment
– Utilizes Magnetic Peripheral Nerve Stimulation (mPNS).
– Painless sessions lasting only 13.5 minutes.

Efficacy and Results
– Double-blind study: 72.3% responder rate at Day 30.
– Significant reductions in pain, numbness, and improvement in quality of life.
– Day 90 results show continued efficacy.

Patient-Centered Care
– CEO Keith Warner emphasizes patient well-being.
– Non-pharmacological, non-invasive option reducing medication dependency.

Future Implications
– Shifts in pain management paradigm.
– Broader access to innovative treatments.

Axon Therapy represents a leap forward in PDN treatment, promising relief and improved quality of life.

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